Early Retirement Checklist

If you’ve ever yearned for an early retirement, you’re not alone.

A small but growing contingent of working Americans have made it their mission to eliminate paycheck dependency well ahead of the traditional age of retirement.

More than one-third of Gen Zers, millennials, and GenXers said they plan to retire before age 65, according to the most recent research from GOBankingRates. Men were most likely (32 percent) to express confidence in an early exit, versus 25 percent of women.1

The mostly millennial-led FIRE community, which stands for “financial independence, retire early,” is also gaining traction on social media with 26,000 followers on Facebook alone. Many proudly declare that they plan to exit the workforce in their early 40s.

But planning to retire early and following through are two different things.

To start with, you must carefully consider:

  • Your reason for wanting to retire early
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Physical and emotional wellness

Explore your reason

FIRE aficionados should be sure they have a clear vision of what it is they hope to achieve by retiring early. Is it to volunteer more, travel the world, play a more active role in a nonprofit you support? The better defined your plan, the more likely you are to meet your expectations.

If it’s a better work-life balance you seek, try changing employers or using your work experience to shift gears into a more forgiving industry.

Indeed, an early retirement means different things to different people. Some view it as a total departure from the workforce, which requires significant savings depending on the age at which they retire. Others define it as having enough personal savings set aside to quit their day job and start a home-based business, do part-time consulting, or pursue a more meaningful (but lower paying) job.

A retirement plan that builds in flexibility and allows you to supplement your savings as needed can help you sleep easier at night.

How much I need to retire early?

It goes without saying that you can’t quit work until you’ve got enough saved, but just how much do you need? That depends on your expenses, your age, and your health insurance coverage.

It may help to segregate your savings goal into two distinct phases:

  • The money you will need available to cover the bills before you reach the age of Medicare and Social Security eligibility.
  • The money you need saved in your tax-deferred retirement accounts (401(k)s and IRAs) to provide for your needs after you reach age 59-1/2.

Remember, you can’t start claiming Social Security until age 62 at the earliest, and many retirees delay benefits until at least their full retirement age at 67 to permanently augment the size of their monthly benefit.

Similarly, you generally can’t withdraw money from your tax-deferred retirement accounts such as your traditional Individual Retirement Account or 401(k) until age 59-1/2 without incurring taxes, plus a hefty 10 percent penalty.4,5

That means you’ll need enough saved to get you over the hump until your retirement accounts and Social Security become accessible.

Be sure to factor in projected expenses, such as college tuition costs for your kids or a wedding for your child, if you plan to chip in.

A 2020 survey by the AARP and National Alliance for Caregiving found 53 million Americans had provided unpaid care to an adult with health or functional needs.6 The average family caregiver spends roughly $7,2000 per year, or nearly 20 percent of their annual income, on out-of-pocket costs, according to AARP estimates.

Expect the unexpected

An oversized emergency fund of at least a year’s worth of living expenses is a must for early retirees, creating a buffer for years when the stock market may be limping along or a medical expense crops up.

Saving enough money and projecting your living expenses accurately is no easy task. Perhaps that explains why less than half (47 percent) of the higher income respondents to MassMutual’s survey said they were confident in their ability to retire at their intended age.

It helps to work with a trusted professional who understands your financial goals and can help you solve for variables, including whether your house will be paid off, tax efficiency, the effects of inflation (which erode purchasing power), and whether the numbers only work if you move to a more tax-friendly state with a lower cost of living.

Think, too, about your safety net in case your early retirement plan doesn’t work.

Consider, for example, whether you should budget for homeowners or renters insurance, whether you will carry life insurance, and how you will ride out Wall Street’s inevitable bear markets. Will you be able to go back to work, if needed, to generate some supplemental income?

Healthcare coverage

The fly in the ointment for many FIRE fans is healthcare coverage. You aren’t eligible for Medicare federal health insurance until age 65, so unless your spouse plans to continue working and can cover you on his or her health plan, you’ll need to factor the costs of private insurance into your budget.

Depending on the size of your family, private coverage can set you back several thousand dollars a month.

During the accumulation phase, while you are still working, it may help to select a high deductible health plan with a health savings account (HSA) component, if available through your employer.

According to the Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, a 65-year-old individual who is covered by Medicare and retires this year will need roughly $165,000 in today’s dollars for out-of-pocket medical expenses throughout retirement, not including any costs associated with long-term care.

Your physical and emotional well-being

Lastly, spend some time planning for your emotional and physical well-being. Will you miss the social interaction of a work environment? Does your spouse support your goal of an early retirement? Will the workweek feel lonely if most of your friends and family are still doing the 9 to 5 grind?

Making the switch from collecting a paycheck to living off your savings is a challenging task at any age. For those who intend to retire early, however, it’s all the more crucial to plan ahead — and consider all options — so they can make the transition to financial independence with confidence.

Provided by Matthew Clayson, courtesy of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). CA Insurance License # 0I01304
©2024 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001 

Rising Cost of Homeowners Insurance

Photo by Pegleess Barrios from Burst

Many people can expect their homeowners insurance rates to go up this year—along with the rising cost of materials and supplies—in this economy.

Several factors are behind the rising costs. Severe weather events continue to cause serious damage and costly insurance claims. The rising cost of building materials, supply chain issues and unfilled jobs are driving up the costs of home repairs.

In this article, we’ll explain some key factors causing home insurance rates to rise and what you can do to help rein in your costs.

What are some key factors driving up home insurance rates?

Extreme weather events and catastrophes

Hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires and other severe weather events have become more frequent, destructive and contributing to rising costs. As of October 11, 2022, the United States sustained 15 weather events with losses exceeding $1 billion each.1 As weather-related damages go up, so does the cost of insurance overall. Insurers typically adjust rates on a state-by-state basis based on actual and anticipated weather-related losses.

Rising cost of materials

Another key consideration when pricing homeowners coverage is the cost to repair or rebuild a home in the event of a loss.
Limited supplies and inflated prices for most building materials continue. Consider this sampling of price increases between October 2021 and October 2022:

  • Material goods for new residential construction rose 14.3%.2
  • Lumber and wood products went up 6.2%.3
  • Asphalt roofing materials grew 14.5%.4
  • As building costs go up, so does the cost to repair or replace homes damaged by covered losses.

Skilled labor shortage

The construction industry is facing a skilled labor challenge, which has resulted in added expenses related to wages, supply chain problems and other construction issues.5 This sector had 423,000 job openings as of September 2022,6 more than twice the projected number of annual openings.7

Factors impacting your homeowners rate you may be able to control

Current market conditions that affect the rising cost of your insurance premiums may be out of your control, but there are steps you can take to help keep the cost of your homeowners coverage in check.

  • Install protective devices. To help avoid losses and save money, ask your insurance agent about any savings you might qualify for by taking preventive measures to protect your home. For example, Travelers offers insurance premium discounts for smoke detectors, fire alarms, water sensors, interior sprinkler systems and smart home protection devices.
  • Review your insurance. Ask your agent to review your current coverage to ensure you’re getting the customized protection you need. Make sure all home improvements are accounted for. Cancel or reduce coverage you no longer need.
  • Increase your deductible. A higher deductible will likely reduce your premium. Just remember to have enough savings to cover your deductible should you experience a loss.
  • Bundle your policies. Travelers offers discounts when you purchase more than one policy with them. Home and auto are commonly bundled for a discount, but discounts may also apply to boat, valuables, personal umbrella protection and other specialty coverages. Learn about the multi-policy insurance discounts that Travelers offers.
  • Explore customer retention programs. Travelers offers premium discounts, or credits to long-term customers. For example, the Travelers Decreasing Deductible®* program applies a $100 credit each year toward your deductible. This credit is earned at your annual renewal date even if you have a loss.

*Travelers Decreasing Deductible is not available in all states, including California.

Current market conditions are challenging. Catastrophic weather events are on the rise. Pandemic-era disruptions, including shortages in building materials and skilled labor, are driving rate changes. But there are factors within your control when it comes to the premiums you pay. It’s smart to take advantage of them.

Travelers Why Homeowners Insurance Premiums are Rising and What You Can Do



1 https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/billions/ 
2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity: Inputs to Industries: Net Inputs to Residential Construction, Goods, October 2022
3 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity: Lumber and Wood Products, October 2022
4 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity: Asphalt Felts and Coatings, October 2022
6 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Openings: Construction, September 2022
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Construction Laborers and Helpers, September 2021 

1 https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/billions/ 
2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity: Inputs to Industries: Net Inputs to Residential Construction, Goods, October 2022
3 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity: Lumber and Wood Products, October 2022
4 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity: Asphalt Felts and Coatings, October 2022
6 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Job Openings: Construction, September 2022
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Construction Laborers and Helpers, September 2021 

Why Are Auto Insurance Rates Rising?

Car rising up bills

Increasing auto insurance premiums have been troubling for policyholders and their wallets. According to statistics released in May 2023 by the U.S. Department of Labor, auto insurance premiums increased 17.1% in the previous 12 months. Although the cost of insurance may change each year for various reasons, this infographic can help shed light on current market factors influencing policies across the country right now:

Vehicle inventory—While the availability of new cars has rebounded since the COVID-19 pandemic, inventory levels overall are still below average, and prices for used vehicles remain relatively high. As cars remain more costly, insuring them may be more expensive.

Higher repair costs—Inflation, supply chain issues lingering from the pandemic, high demand at auto shops and a car technician labor shortage have contributed to increased repair costs and the related price of auto insurance claims.

Rising medical bills—As health care costs have risen, auto insurance companies must pay more for medical services from MedPay and personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Consequently, premiums have also increased.

Increased claims—Car accidents and thefts have become more common in recent years, leading to more claims being filed against auto policies. As the number of claims rises, so too does the cost of insuring against them.

In response to rising auto insurance premiums, policyholders should consider the following ways to save on their rates:

  • Stay safe – Avoid blemishes on your driving record by practicing safe habits behind the wheel.
  • Take courses – Completing driving safety courses may unlock discounted premiums.
  • Bundle coverage – Purchasing multiple types of coverage from the same insurer may reduce overall costs.
  • Maintain good credit – High credit card balances, late payments and other negative effects on a policyholder’s credit score may lead to higher premiums.
  • Reconsider policy details – Adjusting your coverage, such as increasing your deductible, may help limit premiums.
  • Drive less – Insurers may consider how far a policyholder drives annually. By reducing mileage and reporting accordingly, costs may be decreased.

Even among increased rates, auto insurance remains a critical loss control measure for U.S. motorists. Insufficient coverage could lead to legal noncompliance penalties and, in the event of an accident, catastrophic out-of-pocket costs.

Contact us today to learn more about potential auto insurance discounts and other ways to save on your premiums.

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