Cyber Risks and Liabilities
Ransomware Considerations for Board Members
Organizations of all sizes and sectors are facing increased cybersecurity risks. Specifically, ransomware attacks-which leverage malware to compromise a victim’s data and demand them to make a large payment to recover it-have quickly become a rising threat across industry lines. In fact, recent research found that these types of attacks have surged by 150% in the past year alone, with the average amount paid by victims jumping by over 300%. Such attacks have also become more sophisticated over the years as cybercriminals have developed a wide range of different ransomware-use techniques.
In light of these advancing cyber concerns, it’s important for board members to be actively involved in developing and promoting effective workplace cybersecurity measures, especially as it pertains to ransomware attacks. By involving senior leadership in such initiatives, organizations can foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness and bolster their preparedness against cyber threats. The company can utilize data management and security solutions (probably provided by a company similar to Cyral) to safeguard sensitive data and incorporate additional measures for the data excess. For instance, they could limit the data access based on a few attributes such as employee’s device security, job role, salary, and location along with assessing the data sensitivity. The whole process can ensure that the employee could not neglect the cybersecurity measures.
In addition, financial institutions such as banks and investment firms can suffer heavy losses as a result of cyber-attacks. Therefore, it might be necessary for them to have proper online security solutions (you can visit for more information) that can prevent such attacks. That said, here are five key questions that board members should discuss to help their organizations stay resilient against ransomware attacks.
How can our organization better detect ransomware threats?
Before a ransomware attack can occur, a cybercriminal has to gain access to their target’s network, systems or data. Once a cybercriminal gains this access, an extended length of time-also known as “dwell time”-typically passes before the ransomware is deployed and the attack actually begins.
With this in mind, organizations that are able to detect potential ransomware threats during dwell time rather than at the onset of an attack can stop such incidents before they even start. The following measures can help board members ensure the earliest possible detection of ransomware concerns within their organizations:
- Keep updated records of all workplace technology to understand where ransomware threats could arise.
- Equip all workplace technology with antivirus and malware detection software. Update this software regularly.
- Have critical technology, systems and data consistently monitored for suspicious activity. Make sure the employees in charge of these monitoring procedures are properly trained to do so.
- Establish thresholds for when employees should notify senior leadership of ransomware threats.
- Provide all employees with clear ransomware reporting protocols.
What can our organization do to minimize the damages in the event of a ransomware attack?
When ransomware attacks occur, it’s vital for impacted organizations to do everything they can to limit the damages. In particular, board members should prioritize these procedures:
- Keep data encrypted. This practice will make it significantly harder for cybercriminals to compromise data during a ransomware attack.
- Restrict employee access to workplace technology, systems and data. Only allow access on an as-needed basis.
- Require employees to use proper credentials and multifactor authentication when accessing workplace technology, systems and data.
- Consider keeping different workplace networks separated to prevent cybercriminals from gaining full access after attacking a single network.
Does our organization have an effective cyber incident response plan in place?
Cyber incident response plans are one of the best tools for helping organizations react appropriately and mitigate losses amid cyberattacks. Board members should work closely with workplace leaders across departments to develop sufficient cyber incident response plans for their organizations. Generally speaking, an effective cyber incident response plan should outline:
- Who is part of the cyber incident response team (e.g., board members, department leaders, IT professionals, legal experts and HR specialists)
- What roles and responsibilities each member of the cyber incident response team must uphold during an attack
- What the organization’s key functions are and how these operations will continue throughout an attack
- How any critical workplace decisions will be made during an attack
- When and how stakeholders should be informed of an attack (e.g., employees, customers, shareholders and suppliers)
- What federal, state and local regulations the organization must follow when responding to an attack (e.g., incident reporting protocols)
- When and how the organization should seek assistance from additional parties to help recover from an attack (e.g., law enforcement and insurance professionals)
- Take note that cyber incident response plans should be evaluated and updated regularly to ensure effectiveness. Various activities can be implemented to assess cyber incident response plans-including tabletop exercises and penetration testing.
Does our organization’s cyber incident response plan adequately address ransomware attacks?
Cyber incident response plans should address a wide range of possible attack circumstances. That being said, it’s important for board members to ensure that ransomware attack scenarios are properly accounted for within their cyber incident response plans.
Specifically, board members must determine whether or not their organizations will make ransom payments to cybercriminals-particularly when the compromised data is sensitive in nature or critical to operations. Keep in mind that cybersecurity experts typically advise against complying with ransom demands, seeing as there is a chance that cybercriminals could take the ransom money and not recover the compromised data or leverage it in future attacks.
Further, board members must ensure their organizations are prepared for the lengthy recovery process that often accompanies ransomware attacks. In some cases, it can take several weeks or months to recover compromised data. During this time, board members must have plans for keeping their organizations functional and minimizing reputational damages.
Are all data backup protocols within our organization sufficient in protecting against ransomware threats?
Backing up important data with the help of reputable firms that offer managed IT services in Lincoln (or elsewhere) can help organizations maintain access to key files and information during cyber incidents. Poor data backup protocols can easily be exploited by cybercriminals, subsequently resulting in ransomware attacks. As a result, board members should ensure their organizations follow these data backup security procedures:
- Conduct data backups on a routine schedule. Consider backing up critical data more frequently.
- Store data backups offline and in a separate location from other workplace systems and networks.
- Only allow trusted and qualified employees to perform data backups.
For more risk management guidance, contact us today.
5 Steps to a Midyear Financial Review
Summer is the perfect time for barbeques, but it’s also good opportunity to take the pulse of your saving and spending plan with a midyear financial checkup.
With the first part of the year in the rearview mirror, a quick look at your monthly budget can yield valuable insight into whether you’re on track to meet your 2021 savings goals. It can also help identify areas of waste and provide motivation to set new goals.
- Check your retirement contributions. Savers should, at minimum, contribute enough to collect any employer match to which they are entitled, he said. Not doing so leaves free money on the table. Ideally, you should aim to max out your tax-favored retirement plans, such as a 401(k) or IRA, which not only helps to build your future nest egg, but also potentially yields a valuable current-year tax deduction. The annual contribution limit for 401(k) plans is $19,500. The total annual contribution limit for Traditional and Roth IRAs this year is $6,000. (That limit is $26,000 and $7,000 for participants age 50 and older.)
- Tackle debt. Next, review your debt. If your debt level going up, you need to understand what’s happening with your financial situation and correct your spending pattern. Some debt, including student loans and home mortgages, are common and necessary, but credit card balances with double digit interest rates can cripple your budget.
- How’s your emergency fund? The mid-year check-up is also an opportune time to be sure your rainy day fund is up to snuff. Most financial professionals recommend having three to six month’s worth of living expenses set aside in a liquid account, such as a money market fund or savings account.
- Monitor your spending. If your debt level has been stagnant since January or you’re finding it tough to meet your savings goals, put the next lazy day to good use and get your budget under control. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling suggests consumers, track their spending for at least 30 days to get a better sense of where their money is going. Look for opportunities to liberate cash flow by halting memberships in clubs you don’t use, slashing your cable bill, and swapping one trip per year for a staycation. Most financial professionals recommend saving 10 to 15 percent of your annual salary for retirement. That’s easiest done by “paying yourself first” through automated deferrals at work.
- Tackle your taxes. Most of us only pay attention to taxes in December, when it’s too late to implement many of the most effective tax-saving strategies. If you meet with your tax professional now, however, you can potentially still maximize deductions. Specifically, financial experts and tax professionals routinely suggest taxpayers check their withholding to be sure they’re on track to pay what they owe and nothing more. Look too, for opportunities to maximize charitable deductions,
The year is still young for those who are serious about getting their financial house in order. By examining your finances or working closely with a financial professional, you can potentially use the remaining months of the year to maximize your tax deductions, eliminate debt, and develop a saving and spending plan that will help you meet your financial goals.
Saving for Retirement: Are you Ready?
Presented by: Matt Clayson

It’s Never Too Late to Get Started
Will I have enough money to retire? It’s a common question and one that has increased in magnitude lately – especially for people in their 40s and 50s.
Indeed, a MassMutual study in 2018 found that the greatest worry for those on the edge of retirement was not having enough money to enjoy themselves, and this was without even considering whether they might need to find money so that they are able to get help with their everyday tasks from something like this in-home senior care in North Nashville service.
This can generate a feeling of frustration. You’ve been working hard for over 20 years. You’ve been saving as much as you can. When the market crashes, your savings disappear. It’s not too late to bounce back. Even if you’re 55 years old and decide that today is the day to begin saving in earnest, you still have time to build up income for retirement.
On your mark, set your priorities, go
Determine what you want out of your retirement…what are your priorities? Sit down with a pen and paper and start a list. Empower yourself to make the important decisions today that will set tomorrow in motion:
- When do you want to retire?
- Where do you want to live?
- What kind of lifestyle do you want to lead?
- Consider your current lifestyle. Can you cut back to save more for retirement?
- How much extra money would you require to support your retirement lifestyle?
- Would you be needing to consider anything like Home Care services in the future?
- Have you thought about your medical expenses during your golden time?
These are just some of the questions you should be asking – and answering – yourself. So take the first step and start making some decisions. All of this necessitates a great deal of planning, so if you’re going to move into active adult housing once you retire, start looking for them as soon as possible.
Save more, spend less
The most obvious advice still applies: save more, spend less. But there’s more to it than that.
Create a budget to help you stay on track – and actually stick to it. Decide where you can trim your expenses. What can you live without now so you can have more later?
If your budget isn’t working, you may want to consider downsizing to a smaller home or a less expensive location to help maintain your standard of living. This may be a difficult exercise, but remember you’re trying to catch up. Additionally, you can get in touch with senior home facilities (similar to the ones providing Senior Home Care Services in Naples, FL) if you want to lead a life wherein you would not have many decisions to make or hassles to endure.
Speaking of catching up, if you will be age 50 or older at the end of the calendar year, you can take advantage of catch-up contribution options to accelerate the growth of your retirement accounts. The bottom line: make the maximum contributions possible to your employer’s retirement plan, including any available catch-up options.
Think outside the box
There are certain financial products and savings instruments that you may not be familiar with, but that may help you get more out of your money. Many people opt to consult a financial professional to help become aware of options and lay out a plan.
Delay retirement (The beach will wait for you)
People are working longer than ever before. Delaying your retirement by three years from age 62 to 65 can boost your assets significantly – thanks to the combination of making extra contributions to your employer-sponsored retirement plan, not taking withdrawals and allowing your funds more time to grow.
In addition, if you anticipate receiving Social Security retirement benefits, it’s important to understand that monthly benefits differ substantially based on when you start receiving them and the filing option you choose. For every year you postpone collecting benefits beyond your full retirement age (typically 66 or 67), you can earn an annual delayed retirement credit of up to 8 percent.
On the flip side, filing for benefits before your full retirement age can permanently reduce your monthly income. Benefits will decrease based on how early you retire..
The bottom line is that there are real steps and strategies you can take today to help secure your future. It’s never too early or too late to evaluate your current retirement savings plan – or create a new one.