Employer of Record and Drones: Two Challenges Employers Face

Commercial owned drones and Employer of Record

As we enter 2025, two common issues have emerged that pose potential coverage problems for an organization’s financial well-being: Employer of Record Agreements and the use of drones.


More U.S. companies are hiring talent from around the globe, thanks to advancements in technology that simplify communication, expand operational hours, and facilitate talent acquisition. To manage global hiring, organizations often turn to Employer of Record (EOR) services such as Globalization Partners, Oyster HR, and Velocity Global. These EOR organizations handle payroll, taxation, benefits, and local legal compliance for the U.S. entity.

However, an unintended consequence of this arrangement is that an organization might discover it lacks coverage after a loss caused by an EOR employee. Insurance policies typically have clauses that define “Who is an Insured.” While employees are generally considered insureds, policies also specify what constitutes an employee. If a policy’s definition excludes EORs, coverage for losses arising from EOR employment issues will not be available for the U.S. organization or the individual named in a lawsuit.

Furthermore, different policies issued by the same carrier may have varying definitions. For instance, General Liability coverage might include protections that are absent in Professional Liability policies.

When reviewing insurance programs, it is critical to:

  • Identify where the organization has “employees” and determine if any non-U.S. talent falls under an Employer of Record program. If so,
  • Collaborate closely with insurance carriers and underwriters when applying for or amending coverage to ensure that EOR employees are properly covered.

Many organizations, insurance brokers, and carriers may not be aware of this challenge, making it essential to recognize and address it promptly. Please reach out to your Cleary Account Manager to discuss whether EORs are being utilized.


Drones are increasingly used in commercial operations, benefiting industries such as roofing, real estate, and insurance adjusting. They allow for safer and more efficient property inspections, often from a distance, which can be beneficial for risk management in Workers’ Compensation.

However, this innovation presents potential challenges for an organization’s General Liability (GL) exposure. GL insurance typically provides coverage for bodily injury and property damage to others. If a drone causes injury or damage, one would generally look to the GL policy for defense and settlement coverage. The complication arises from the GL policy’s list of exclusions, which commonly includes the use of aircraft.

If your organization is using drones, please contact your Cleary Account Manager to discuss the implications for your coverage.

Embracing A Digital Detox

Group of diverse people using smartphones

Technology has become such an integral part of life that it may be hard to imagine functioning without it. Beyond work, people depend on technological devices for information, communication, and entertainment. However, constant attachment to these devices can have harmful effects on your mental health. To combat these issues, you may consider a digital detox. The National Institutes of Health defines “digital detox” as a disconnection from devices or social media for a defined duration.

A survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that constant digital connectivity is linked to higher stress levels, with nearly 1 in 5 (18%) adults identifying technology use as a major stressor in their lives.

This article explores the effects of heavy technology use on mental health and offers practical tips for effective screen timemanagement with digital detoxing.

The Impact of Technology on Mental Health

Many people are hooked on tech gadgets for a reason. Checking these devices stimulates the brain’s reward system, causing the body to release dopamine, the pleasure hormone. However, these pleasurable activities can become addictive. Excessive screen time has also been linked to mood swings, suicidal tendencies, and increased stress and anxiety.

Studies suggest that excessive use of digital devices can have detrimental effects on mental health. For example, checking social media in bed at night has been found to increase the likelihood of anxiety and insomnia. Research also suggests that frequent technology use can lead to feelings of isolation, difficulty focusing, tech addiction and slower brain development.

Consider unplugging if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Increased anxiety
  • Increased anger or irritability
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Feelings of insecurity
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dependence on validation from social media
  • Fear of missing out

Benefits of a Digital Detox

Taking a break from digital devices is crucial to maintain balance and overall well-being. It helps reduce stress and improvessleep quality. When you step away from technology, you become fully present for yourself and for others, allowing for moremeaningful social connections. Furthermore, digital detoxing has significant mental health benefits. Studies show that peoplewho refrained from social media reported lower stress levels and improved self-image. Additionally, taking a technologytimeout allows you to be mindful of your online habits and form healthier routines, ultimately leading to higher productivity.

Simple Strategies for a Digital Detox

The APA survey also revealed that while 65% of Americans agree that occasionally unplugging or taking a digital detox isimportant for mental health, only 28% actually do so. Begin your digital detox by determining which behaviors you’d like toaddress and creating a plan that works for you. Try these strategies for an effective digital detox:

  • Turn off notifications. Notifications are distracting and can hinder productivity. Consider turning off as many as you can to minimize interruptions.
  • Use digital detox tools. Plenty of devices have built-in tools that can silence notifications or disable apps for a certain period. Research shows that those who use digital detox tools (e.g., iOS Screen Time or Google Play’s Digital Wellbeing)are less apt to use their smartphones compulsively and, thus, more likely to avoid the negative effects of social media.
  • Start your day tech-free. Many people pick up their phones and start scrolling when they wake up, but Stanford Lifestyle Medicine Program experts say this behavior activates the fight-or-flight response. This not only creates a sense of anxiety but also conditions the brain to be more hypervigilant. Instead, use the first hour of the day for activities such as exercising, spending time outside or preparing a healthy breakfast. The goal is to create a morning routine that sets a positive tone for the day and supports brain health.
  • Take periodic breaks from technology. Eliminating the use of all digital devices may not be realistic, especially if you use them for work. Instead, set limits for how much time you spend on social media each day or designate certain times for phone use. You can also consider ways to make small changes, such as chatting with someone face-to-face rather than using your phone.
  • Create gadget-free zones. Designate specific areas in your home, such as dining rooms and bedrooms, where gadgets are not allowed. This allows you to be more present and encourages tech-free activities, such as baking, reading, doing crafts, and playing cards or board games.
  • Reach out for support. Family and friends can offer emotional support during your digital detox. They can hold you accountable and keep you motivated when you’re struggling to stick to your goals.


While technological devices aren’t inherently harmful, overuse can negatively affect your physical and mental well-being. Witha digital detox, you can break unhealthy habits and embrace more balanced, healthier alternatives.

Contact a mental health professional for further guidance.

5 Forces Driving Commercial Auto Costs

Over the past decade, auto insurance rates have increased steadily, well exceeding the rate of inflation over the same period. But what’s driving this upward trend? Explore factors that have significantly impacted the rates for commercial auto.

  1. Bodily injury loss costs
    In the five-year period from 2018 to 2022, auto severity has increased a substantial 40% even as frequency has declined.1 Causes include an increase in deadly accidents, rising verdicts in legal cases and medical cost inflation. In fact, the latter is expected to grow 7% in 2024, up from 6.0% in 2023 and 5.5% in 2022.2
  2. Attorney involvement
    With attorneys actively pursuing auto accident business, more claimants now have legal representation. These claims see higher rates of expenditures for medical procedures and treatment.3 A complete fleet management program can help reduce your exposure.
  3. Distractions and impairment
    Distractions behind the wheel, from vehicle infotainment systems and mobile devices to driving under the influence, can lead to significant risks: 30% of companies surveyed reported that they have employees who have been involved in crashes due to mobile phone distraction, and deaths due to preventable crashes are up 18% versus pre-pandemic levels.
  4. Inexperienced drivers
    Resignations and retirements are leading to a shortage of commercial operators, increasing the chance that less experienced replacement drivers are behind the wheel. Operators in new vehicles and covering new routes can also contribute to an increase in accident rates.
  5. Vehicle repair and replacement costs
    Autos have become more expensive to insure and repair. Newer vehicles are outfitted with advanced materials and technology designed to make driving more comfortable and safer. When these vehicles are involved in an accident, costs can be high, and labor shortages and inflation have only exacerbated the issue. In fact, motor vehicle parts and equipment costs have increased almost 24% since September 2019.5 Meanwhile, used car prices are still up almost 47.9% in 2023 compared to the average from 2015 to 2019, despite recent softening.6 This directly impacts the cost of claims in the event of a total loss. Finally, rising auto thefts are further contributing to increased claim costs.

Travelers 5 Forces Driving Commercial Auto Insurance Costs


1 LexisNexis Risk Solutions Auto Insurance Trends Report2 Health Research Institute3 Attorney Involvement Keeps Claims Soaring (June 2023, The Institutes)
4 Travelers 2023 Risk Index – Distracted Driving
Auto Insurance: The Uncertain Road Ahead (2023, APCIA)6 Edmunds Used Vehicle Report (Q3 2023) 

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